Aim of the conference:
The European BioClim Wetlands Conference aims to strengthen the exchange of experiences and networking among scientists, policy makers and practitioners. We believe that this is done best through meeting in person, therefore please note that the conference will be an in-person event. The thematic focus lies on the impacts and role of wetlands, specifically on river floodplains and coasts, for biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation. During the conference recommendations for action will be developed to raise awareness of the importance of the topic beyond the actual group of participants.
Different formats are thus used in the conference: Keynotes, thematic sessions with presentations and subsequent discussions, interactive workshops, poster sessions - especially for early career researchers - and various networking opportunities.
Climate change and biodiversity loss are two closely linked global crises that influence each other and need to be addressed together. Due to the high importance of riverine and coastal wetlands for biodiversity and climate change, the 5th European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change will focus on their role in climate adaptation, climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation.
Since 2011, the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) has organised a series of "European Conferences on Biodiversity and Climate Change" in cooperation with the Network of European National Conservation Agencies (ENCA Network). At each conference, selected priority topics are discussed and further developed with European experts from science, politics and practice. The aim of the conference series is to promote exchange and networking between experts from all over Europe and to strengthen the interface between science, policy and practice.

This conference is supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with funds of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) as part of a Research & Development project "BioClim-Wetlands" (FKZ: 3521830200).